Friday, 18 February 2011

WOW....My Eureka Moment!!!

Tim Holtz Workshop - Art From the Heart - Harrogate 17.02.11
What can I say to explain how excited I was to have such a super birthday present from my hubby, a morning with Tim Holtz the altered art guru.  Up at 6.30AM to prepare myself for the journey which took just over an hour.  The class started at 9.00am and there was a buzz in the air, all students waited with great anticipation for Tim to start the session.  We were given a bag of goodies and I mean a big bag of goodies all to keep!  We were shown the journal Tim had made and then it was heads down as he talked us through each section, there was no time for slacking not even time to pee.  After four hours non stop I think all were exhausted trying to absorb all the information Tim was feeding us.....I'll never remember it all, wish I could have taped it!  A big thank you to Dyan for putting on the event, what a star.
Driving home I had this wonderful warm glow feeling when you have done something really special.
Enjoy the pics ......Wendy